Beware of factors that can lead to a couple argue!


Couple argument is a common thing and can arise from the most varied reasons; Some arguments, however, seem to arise from nowhere, suddenly without apparent reason, without any of the partners have a particular problem.

Why do some unexpected fights appear? Because there are certain factors that can stimulate an argument that will make you more perceptive and less likely to jump at each other’s throats!

Sure, everyone knows that stress and nervousness can stimulate an argument in the couple: if a partner is experiencing a negative emotional state, any little misunderstanding or dissatisfaction can lead to arguments. But there are other factors that can lead to an sudden argument out of nowhere!

What are other factors that can lead to an argument in the couple?

Tiredness . No need to get stressed or nervous, it’s enough to be tired and increases the probability to argue in vain with couple partner! You know that feeling of fatigue at the end of a busy day ? You feel so exhausted and satisfied that you have accomplished all your duties . But just in this state become prone to argue with the couple partner because basically you have exhausted the resources and you never feel able to do anything – especially not being able to face any ” serious ” talks. So , in these moments of fatigue, beware to don’t approach serious conversations , spend time as relaxing is possible.


How many unnecessary arguments don’t start like this : ” I’m so tired ” – ” I’m tired too , but I don’t slam on the couch like you , look, you have to… ” or ” I’m so tired tired , I just want to sleep ” – ” you always want to avoid talking to me , why are you so tired, I was working all day too “… So when you partner is tired , put off for the moment a possible more serious conversation .

Alcohol. A glass of wine relaxes and cheers you? Well, an extra glass can lead to stimulation of your inherent aggressiveness! There is a nice story according to which each extra glass of alcohol drinking, man becomes in turn: a lamb ( which would be gentle joy ), a monkey ( funny dishes ), a lion ( aggression awakened by alcohol ) and finally , a pig ( lack of consideration for others and a disinhibition that leads to excessive behavior ). Once you know you’ve had a glass too much, try not to lose control and to realize that it is time to discuss serious things with your partner!

Hunger. Hungry? Eat something without delay! It is interesting discovery as hunger, which causes low blood sugar, prone to quarrel, because it increases the level of aggression! Therefore, as a drastic diet may not be a good idea … Beware address any discussion when the body will require nutrients, because this state of hunger, a feeling or not, will make it more irritable. No question is so vital in that you can’t postpone until after enjoy a pleasant meal. And it is preferable to speak after enjoying the meal and you feel satisfied?…

A quarrel or misunderstanding with someone else. That should not have anything to do with the couple partner, but the truth is that if you just had an altercation with someone ( relative, colleague, friend ), increases significantly the probability to have an argument with your partner. Why? Of course, there is the level of aggression that increases in offensive situations and remains increased a period, but it is frustration too.

Because when you have a dispute with a person, often don’t say exactly what you want, to not offend, dodge to be too aggressive and direct; But with your partner you can be direct and say everything you can think of! So you pour out the frustration and aggression remained on the partner, because you can’t do it with someone else.


Especially when you have a conflict with someone and you lose or do not get the answer you want, avoid home and provoke a discussion with your partner couple out of nothing!

Competitions. Of course, this varies from person to person and couple to couple. But competition – even if it’s competitive game – suddenly can lead to unnecessary argue. If you recognize yourself to be all-knowing type, who always criticize and correct playing partners or if you recognize yourself to be hungry for victory type who will do anything to win and who can’t lose with grace, then it is preferable to avoid enter a competition with your partner.

To correct and criticize your partner during a competition ( even if it is a game! ), or impede and complain and get annoyed when you lose, can lead to an argument extremely ugly and useless. There are people who get ” light ” and forget that it is a game, even when it is a simple game of cards!

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